It's December 19. Christmas Eve is in five days, as is the first night of Hanukkah. The Pagan holiday of Midwinter (also known as Yule) arrives on December 21. Kwanza kicks off one week from today. For those who celebrate that particular holiday, Festivus will be upon us in a mere three days. That's an awful lot of celebrating, and an awful lot of gift-giving. Here in the Geek Cave, I can get just as stumped as anyone else when looking for the perfect gift.
Well, look no further, because IIABNY has come to the rescue. It has been said that nothing says "Happy holidays!" like a good errors and omissions loss prevention tool. (No, I don't remember who said that; stop interrupting.) Therefore, just in time for you to snag a copy for that special someone, IIABNY is proud to announce the publication of –
This handsome volume (or electronic file; we're a 21st century publisher) offers more than 120 pages of E&O loss prevention goodness, designed to either help keep your agency out of litigation or give you documents to fight off any legal actions that may come your way. Most of the book consists of prepared form letters, ready to be copied and pasted onto your agency letterhead or into the body of an email, to address dozens of situations.
- Need to confirm with a client an auto change request you received from a car dealer? It's in there.
- Need a letter to confirm that your client turned down your suggestion to bump up the liability limits? It's in there.
- Need a letter for the New York State Insurance Fund when your client wants to move to a private carrier? It's in there.
- Need a disclaimer for your agency's Facebook page? It's in there.
- Need a letter telling a disagreeable client to take his business elsewhere? That's in there, too.
This book was prepared by IIABNY with the assistance of the attorneys at Keidel, Weldon & Cunningham. Each resource in the book has been reviewed and approved by an attorney. You can literally buy this book today and put it to good use within minutes. If you buy one of the electronic versions, simply copy and paste a letter's text into your document or email, and send it off.
IIABNY offers electronic versions in PDF, Nook and Kindle formats for $19.95; a print-on-demand version is available for $29.95. They can be ordered at any time at
I hope the resources in this book will help keep your agencies claim free in 2017 and beyond. If nothing else, it will give you some soothing words to read to excited little ones waiting for the big night. Imagine the looks on their faces as they nod off to sleep listening to,
"At the time of the placement, the insurer had a rating of [blank] with A.M. Best, which is a company that rates the financial strength of insurance companies. We are writing at this time to advise you that the A.M. Best rating for this insurance company has now changed to [blank] …"
Kind of takes you back to your own childhood, doesn't it?
In all seriousness, I hope your agency finds these letters to be worthwhile tools for both preventing E&O losses and educating your clients. And whichever holiday you celebrate (or don't), I hope you celebrate it peacefully with family and friends.